5 Questions Parents Should Ask Dentists About Wisdom Tooth Removal
Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are back teeth that people sometimes have removed for a variety of reasons. They can grow in wrong, your child’s mouth may be too small to comfortably hold them, or your child may

Top 10 Foods That Can Damage Your Teeth
We all want to take good care of our teeth. However, we all have a favorite snack that we know isn’t so great for us. But how can those foods affect our teeth? Some foods are just not meant to

5 Myths About Dentures: Debunked
Tooth loss is never fun. It can make life much harder; eating and talking become very hard tasks, and your confidence takes a serious blow. Luckily, there are many options available now to help restore your smile and improve your

Understand Dental Trauma In 60 Seconds
You’ve been hit in the face with a baseball. You got into a car accident. You had a fall that lead to injury. Dental trauma can happen to anyone at any time, and it is never something anyone wants to

How To Choose The Perfect Mouthwash
While we all know to brush our teeth every day, sometimes our dental hygiene could use an extra boost. It might be time to consider making mouthwash part of your daily routine. Mouthwash, or oral rinse, is a liquid used

Is it a Sinus Headache or a Toothache?
Your head is pounding. You can’t think straight, you’re having trouble communicating effectively, you’re struggling to stay focused; we’ve all been there. Headaches can happen unexpectedly and can cause your plans to go off the rails. How can you tell

Am I Too Old to Have My Wisdom Teeth Removed?
We know that typically you get your wisdom teeth removed in your teens and early 20’s. Wisdom teeth can cause complications like impaction or the crowding of your mouth. There are times where a dentist will recommend waiting to remove

5 Questions to Ask Your Dentist Regularly
A checkup with your dentist can feel fairly routine if it’s something you’ve been great at keeping up with. You might have known your dentist for forever or this might be a new dentist for you, either way, we’ve got