If you’re preparing for dental implant placement, you’ll probably need a bone-grafting procedure before getting your implants. Dental bone-grafting procedures are usually done by expert oral and maxillofacial surgeons to provide the solid foundation of bone tissue that your dental implants need.
Here are four of the most common bone-grafting techniques used by oral surgeons to improve jawbone density.
Maxillary Sinus Lift
The maxillary sinus lies above the upper jaw. Some tooth roots extend all the way up here. Only a thin wall of bone is left behind here following extraction. To make the empty sockets solid enough to support implants, some bone graft tissues are placed between the sinus membrane and the jawbone.
Socket Preservation Technique
In this case, bone-grafting materials are placed at the extraction site to prepare it for imminent dental implant placement. This is needed since jawbone density usually degenerates after tooth extraction. The socket may also suffer more damage from diseases and infections.
Ridge Augmentation
Ridge augmentation is particularly suitable if dental implants would be needed after a long period of tooth extraction or loss. Again, it can also be used immediately after extraction. Like socket preservation, it’s directly aimed at the extraction site.
The major difference from socket preservation is the potential of this procedure in supplementing bone loss that had affected the height and width of the alveolar ridge.
Nerve Repositioning
Then there is the nerve repositioning procedure, which usually involves relocating the inferior alveolar nerve in cases where the nerve seems to be interfering with implant placement in the lower jaw. This is generally considered as an aggressive method of bone grafting.
Dr. Pollock and the experienced team of expert oral and maxillofacial surgeons can help you with dental bone grafting as well as the actual dental implants placement. Feel free to visit or contact us at (469)264-8921 for more information.