
Rockwall Oral Surgery

Gumline Contouring for a Shapelier Smile

Our gums are one-of-a-kind, just like every one of our teeth is unique, too. Some people have high gums, some have low gums and others have gum lines anywhere in between. Those who feel insecure about their gums now have the option to contour their gum line and make it more aesthetically pleasing. 

What is Gum Line Contouring?

Gingival sculpting or gingivoplasty are a few of the names people may refer to in exchange for gumline contouring. The gum line contouring procedure is done by a dental specialist who will reshape and sculpt the gum line. The process can involve cutting away any excess gum tissue that grows around the teeth. This procedure is often not medically necessary and is considered an elective procedure.

The Contouring Process

The gum line contouring procedure is always done in-office and includes local anesthesia injected into the treatable area or areas. The anesthesia will numb the gums so that there is no pain during the contouring process. The procedure will consist of a soft tissue laser to remove the excess gums. Overall, the procedure often takes no more than 1 to 2 hours to complete. Stitches may be needed for a short time to hold the newly contoured gums in place. However, there is little downtime required for this dental procedure. We recommend two or three days after the procedure to eat soft foods to ensure that the gum line has the proper time to heal.

When is it Necessary?

Gumline contouring is primarily cosmetic, but at times can become medically necessary. So, when does it become an essential procedure? If individuals have periodontal disease, a gum infection that damages the gums and the jawline, gum contouring can be an option for treatment. If the procedure is deemed medically necessary, dental insurance is likely to cover the procedure, although we suggest consulting with your insurance before moving forward with gum line contouring.

Contact Dr. Pollock for Oral Surgery

If you need an oral surgery consultation, please call Dr. Pollock at Rockwall Oral Surgery to book your appointment today. You can reach us at (469) 264-8921 for any inquiries or questions you may have before your visit. If you’d still like to look over more information about our services at Rockwall Oral Surgery, you can also visit our contact page or reach us via email at info@dentalimplantsurgery.com.