Mouth Breathers and Dry Mouth
When our bodies are asleep, there are two air passageways to the lungs that help us breathe. These passageways are the nose and mouth. Typically, individuals that are healthy use both their nose and their mouth to breathe during their sleep.
Am I a Mouth Breather?
When we are sleeping, we are not actively aware of breathing, whether through our mouths or noses. If you’d like to know if you might be a mouth breather, here are some of the signs that you might be:
- Snoring
- Dry mouth
- Dark eye circles
- Brain fog
- Bad breath
Why Do I Breathe Through My Mouth?
There can be a few reasons that people may breathe through their mouths during sleep. Most mouth breathers do so due to an obstructed nasal passageway. A locked passageway means that something is preventing the proper amount of air into the nose. Naturally, the body will use the mouth for breathing when the nose cannot provide proper oxygen. A blocked nasal passageway can be due to nasal congestion, adenoids, enlarged tonsils, and a deviated septum.
Mouth Breathing Vs. Nose Breathing
Mouth breathing can cause a variety of different issues that are bad for overall health and oral health. For example, mouth breathers are more apt to getting sinus infections, halitosis, and even gingivitis. The reason that mouth breathing can cause issues is that the mouth becomes parched during sleep. When the mouth becomes dry, saliva cannot wash the bacteria out of the mouth.
Many don’t notice the benefits of breathing through their nose until they have a cold. The nose produces nitric oxide, which improves the lungs’ ability to absorb the necessary oxygen to the body. Nitric oxide is also antifungal, antiviral, and antibacterial, meaning that it helps protect the body fight infections.
Speak With a Doctor
Have you had a complication from mouth breathing that needs the help of an oral surgeon? If so, please call Dr. Pollock today at Rockwall Oral Surgery to schedule an appointment. To contact our team or learn more about us, please reach out to us at (469) 264-8921 or via email at