Can They Tell?
Needing dental implants can seriously affect your self-esteem. Missing teeth can drive you to blow off job interviews, dates, appointments you name it. But the effects of missing teeth extend farther than just the physical appearance of your smile.
Surprising Sources of Tooth Damages
What foods can damage teeth? Find out how food can cause tooth damage and why implants are an ideal option to replace damaged or missing teeth by calling Dr. Kevin Pollock in Rockwall today.
Out of Whack?
Can a missing tooth make the bite unbalanced? Find out how dental implants can help restore balance to the jaws and teeth.
Do I Need Anesthesia for a Dental Implant?
If you’re considering replacing a missing, lost or decayed tooth, dental implants will definitely top the list of your options for replacement. Not only do dental implants look incredibly natural, but they're also far more permanent than other options and