
Rockwall Oral Surgery

What Sedation is Right For You?

Whether you’re having a tooth extracted or jaw reconstruction surgery, oral surgery can be frightening. Furthermore, this phobia may prevent you from visiting the dentist. Putting off required oral surgery might have severe implications and jeopardize your oral and general health. Sedation dentistry is a valuable technique for people who are afraid of going to the dentist. If you’re asking yourself any of these questions, sedation might be the answer!

  • Does thinking about the dentist invoke feelings of nervousness?
  • Does an upcoming dental appointment incite intense fear?
  • Is sitting still for long periods difficult?
  • Is there much dental work to be done?
  • Is there extreme teeth sensitivity?
  • Is there an overactive gag reflex?

Here are three options for sedation:

Nitrous Oxide

The mildest kind of sedation is nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas. It is an odorless and colorless gas that is blended with oxygen. Nitrous oxide is inhaled through a small mask worn over your nose. As soon as you inhale the gas, it begins to function, making you feel relaxed and at ease. Nitrous oxide may also lower your gag reflex and enhance your pain threshold. It is important to note that one will remain conscious throughout the procedure. The effects of nitrous oxide wear off rapidly after treatment, and one can usually drive home.

Oral Sedation

Oral sedation is a type of conscious sedation that is moderate. This sedation is given to you in the form of a pill, taken around an hour before your visit. Although the exact time varies from person to person, the drug takes about 30 minutes to take action. When it does take action, one may feel tired and relaxed, but again, still conscious. Some patients claim to experience transient amnesia, in which they are unable to recollect specific aspects of their surgery, if any at all. Because the effects of oral sedation can last for several hours after your procedure, you will need someone to take you home after your appointment. While the effects fade off, it’s crucial to rest and relax.

Intravenous Sedation

A type of moderate conscious sedation is intravenous sedation, sometimes known as IV sedation. Rather than taking medication by mouth, IV fluids are used to deliver medication directly into your bloodstream using a small needle put into your arm or the back of your hand. Although you are still conscious, IV sedation takes effect nearly quickly and may cause you to feel tired and calm. IV sedation could have the same amnesic effect as oral sedation. Furthermore, just like oral sedation, the effects of IV sedation might last for several hours after your treatment is finished, so you’ll need someone to take you home following your procedure.

Dental Sedation With Dr. Pollock

Dental sedation allows individuals with fear or anxiety of the dentist to attend appointments and be at ease and comfortable during their visit. Contact the team at Rockwall Oral Surgery to discuss sedation options.

Ready to make your dental goals a reality? Our team is eager to assist our patients with personalized dental surgery options and treatments. Contact Dr. Pollock at Rockwall Oral Surgery to schedule a dental appointment. We are available by phone at (469) 264-8921 or email at info@dentalimplantsurgery.com.