
Rockwall Oral Surgery

What to Know About Your Cup of Joe

America’s favorite way to start the day is, of course, coffee. It helps you wake up in the morning and gets you moving. Some of us can’t begin to imagine our life without it. As important as “bean juice” might be to your daily routine it’s important to recognize the effects it can have on your oral health.

Effects on Your Oral Health

  • Stains – Yes, coffee can stain your teeth. Coffee contains compounds called tannins that cause color compounds to stick to your teeth, and when they do, they leave their unwanted yellow imprint behind.
  • Erodes enamel – Acidic beverages like coffee and tea erode your tooth enamel and can lead to tooth decay. Additives like milk or sugar compound the problem and can lead to cavities as well.
  • Cavities – Most people don’t drink their coffee black. Adding things like cream and sugar are far more popular among coffee drinkers than taking it straight up without any fillers. Those additions to your cup of joe also add to your risk of developing cavities. Bacteria in your mouth feed on sugar and grow. Combined with the corrosive nature of acidic coffee, drinking your favorite morning pick-me-up can lead to dental trouble.
  • Bad breath – The infamous coffee breath. It’s a real thing, and it’s because coffee has a propensity for sticking to your tongue causing halitosis.
  • Caffeine – The reason we love our lattes and cappuccinos so much can interrupt sleep and cause feelings of nervousness or anxiousness. While those may not sound like oral health concerns, they are. A lack of sleep leads to feeling anxious and nervous during the day and nervousness and anxiousness lead to clenching and grinding (bruxism) which can damage teeth over time. 

How to Still Enjoy Coffee Safely

Let’s face it, most people are not willing to give up their coffee. But you can drink coffee more responsibly and in a way that impacts your teeth and overall oral health less. 

  • Drink coffee with a straw
  • Brush your teeth and scrape your tongue afterward
  • Keep your coffee drinking to 20 minutes or less
  • Rinse your mouth out with water afterward
  • Drink coffee in moderation

Schedule Your Appointment Today

If your coffee addiction has damaged your beautiful smile it might be time to see a dental professional about your options. Restoring your smile after years of coffee-related assault might require a few simple cleanings or crowns or dental implants. To make an appointment with Dr. Pollock today, visit our contact page or call at (469)264-8921.