
Rockwall Oral Surgery

Why You Should Choose An Oral Surgeon

At Rockwall Oral Surgery, it is our mission to patients with exceptional oral care through our state-of-the-art procedures that we provide using some of the top techniques and machinery. Our dedicated staff is committed to helping patients throughout their entire journey in our office. We pay close attention to detail and focus on the success of our practice in helping every patient that comes in. 

What Is An Oral Surgeon?

Oral surgeons are dental professionals who provide high-level expertise in their field. An oral surgeon’s procedures include dental implant placement, wisdom teeth removal, and other facial surgeries that include the mouth. If a general dentist cannot provide their patient with a solution or procedure for their problem, they will refer patients to an oral surgeon such as Dr. Pollock. When choosing to see an oral surgeon, individuals can expect that the doctor will swiftly create a treatment plan and course of action.

When Will I Need An Oral Surgeon?

When a general dentist may not be capable of complicated tooth extraction or other complex removals, we recommend making an appointment to experience the expertise of an oral surgeon. Scheduling an appointment or consultation with Dr. Pollock here at Rockwall Oral Surgery is the best way to determine whether or not you require oral surgery.

Typically, oral surgeons will examine a patient’s current issue as well as x-rays and other tests that patients may need during the appointment. Once Dr. Pollock has assessed the mouth, he will recommend a simple procedure or something more serious requiring oral surgery. Throughout the entire process, the patient will be kept informed. Expect greatness at our practice.

Rockwall Oral Surgery

In the market for an oral surgeon? Our team and Dr. Pollock at Rockwall Oral Surgery are ready to assist you with your dental needs. For more information about oral surgery procedures or oral surgeons themselves, please contact us. If an individual believes they need surgery, we recommend booking an appointment with Dr. Pollock. To reach us, please call us at (469) 264-8921 or via email at info@dentalimplantsurgery.com. We look forward to consulting your needs and making your smile beautiful again.