Winning Big
What is something that would change your life? A new job? Winning the lottery? A new house? What about a new smile? Would a bright and beautiful smile change your world? If you answered yes, you’re not alone. You’re just one of the millions of Americans who say that improving their smile by replacing missing teeth would completely change their world.
Dr. Pollock hears this sentiment consistently from patients who want to get a great-looking smile, gain their confidence back and put their best foot forward.
The Problem With Missing Teeth
When you’re missing teeth, you often don’t feel like smiling. Additionally, chewing your favorite foods, talking without feeling self-conscious or even going out in public or to job interviews can seem daunting.
Dental Implants Can Help
If you’re missing a tooth or multiple teeth, you can likely benefit from dental implants. Dental implants look, feel and function just like natural teeth, so they are a popular pick for many people who want to update their smiles. Since they give you the ability to chew, talk and smile with confidence, they are an excellent choice if you’re going to restore your life to what it used to be before tooth loss.
Missing a Tooth May Equal a Lower Quality of Life
Many people who are missing teeth often don’t smile or laugh, or if they do, it’s with their hands over their mouths. Many people even avoid dating or job interviews due to fears of someone seeing their smile.
Why Implants?
As we said above, dental implants are an excellent option because they look, feel and function like natural teeth. Other reasons to choose dental implants include:
They’re fixed. Dental implants are permanent. Unlike dentures, they don’t slide around inside your mouth, and you don’t have to remove them for cleaning. You take care of them as you would take care of your other teeth, by brushing and flossing them. If you care for your implant correctly, it can last you a lifetime.
They help protect your health. Dental implants help to keep your facial bones healthy and the teeth around your missing tooth healthy, too. Dental implants can help prevent bone loss and keep gums healthy.
Do you want to change your life? We can’t guarantee that you’ll win the lottery, but we know your implant will give you a beautiful smile and bring back your self-confidence – which is priceless in our book.